Snacks for sustenance!
Like us, Pat (the shorter American guy) & Stick (the taller Aussie guy) have gone into unchartered territory to do something they love (both have computing backgrounds). I had a nice chat to Pat while deliberating over what flavour to have…and found out he majored in Chinese at university. When I shamefully confessed to him that I don’t speak any, he proceeded to say something in Chinese which he later translated as “You don’t even speak a little??”. Ummm….nuh! When I told him my school French is better than my Chinese, he then started speaking to me in French…until we both laughed and said, “ok, let’s stick to English!” Nice guy. In the end, I chose the Caramel Pecan sandwich - butterscotch ice cream between 2 pecan cookies…which Pat told me was his favourite. Salty & sweet he said….I told him I sooo get that concept!!
Well it was a long day…and we thought that little treat would do us fine…until Tiff’s boy went off & brought us a chocolate-smothered Belgian waffle to share....from the stand next to Pat’s (you may just be able to spot the waffle dude in the 3rd photo above). Uh-oh, little did he know what we’d snacked on earlier in the day….”I should have known you 2 girls would have snacked on something!” Hee, hee hee…what can we say???
As to the market, we were in a great location & picked up a lot of the passing human traffic. We were warmly welcomed by some fellow stallholders, who later told us it was a fairly slow trading day. Tiff & I thought we were trading ok…if this is slow, we’d love to know what a busy day would be like! Oh well, will just need to sustain ourselves in future with more of Pat & Stick’s creations, won’t we?! N
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