Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Seasons that say "hello"

The people in Japan are the most pleasant that you will find in the world... it is beyond good service. The average Jun (Joe) in the street will stand aside and let you pass, nod a greeting and give you room on the train. They live a gracious and respectful lifestyle. As Sydney grows and grows I often lament at the disappearance of the greeting of passers-by and the word "thank you". Since we have got a dog we have noticed that we get to say hello to so many more people. He is our ice breaker.

There is a bit of a trend for the little boutiques in Tokyo to greet the seasons and the people walking by. Here are some of their greetings for Spring.



Afternoon Tea at Roppongi Hills:

I decided to give it a go for Autumn (Fall).

It was a bit of fun! T


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